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Art in Unity Movement 

* The Peacock Feather Logo *

Symbolizing: "The Eyes of the Stars"

Vision. Awakening. Guidance. Protection.

Confidence. Self-Love. Beauty. Balance.

Patience. Compassion.

Representing the eternal beauty,

both within us & around us.

Two crescent moons merging, creating

a (space) in between.

R E S I L I E N C E 

Be the space in between. 

"The Eyes of The Stars" 






To uplift the human spirit with positive messages of love, unity & inspiration via the creative arts; 

Resulting in a positive mindset and healthier habits.

The encouragement of inner healing. To be a helping hand. 


 There is a magnificent power in the art of music.

It has the ability to transform + truly help humanity evolve to it's best.

Let's build each other up. 

But first, you must ask yourself...


Do you believe in love? 

Do you believe in yourself?

Do you believe in others? 


Do you believe that there is a greater force working endlessly to unite us?

To spark our insides with creativity, possibility, inspiration,

expression, passion, action, vision, joy, acceptance, and love


Then you believe in the Art in Unity Movement. 


"We believe that music is mantra and that positive mantra is healing.

 We believe that together we get through it all! Because true Art is in Unity." 




To host non-profitable Art in Unity events. 

A planned-out production that we could take all over the world. Providing a platform for other artists to come together and share positive practices via the creative arts.

A "unity movement" led by love with the purpose to enrich all people. Encouraging each person's unique path to spiritual growth,

fostering a positive self-image and embracing unconditional love.


*To attain an Art in Unity home-base.

A location where we can record our music, put further ideas into action, 

and start building a team. A foundation that will last 

for many years to come.*


"The quest you've been asking for is at your door" - Art in Unity 

Our hopes are that with your contribution and support we can further expand Art in Unity.  

The plan is to be completely community based and funded. If any of this has resonated with you

and you'd like to contribute, please do by clicking the box below. All funds go towards the growth of Art in Unity. This is our little way of giving back to the world. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! We are extremely grateful for all the support we have received thus far and can't wait to see what the future has in store for

Art in Unity. Be well friends :)  Peace + love always! 

Join the Movement



We Are

Art in Unity 

Want to receive updates on Art in Unity, our music,

 growth and be a part of the A.I.U.M community?  
Don’t hesitate to join our mailing list! 

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Art in Unity 

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